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  • Q
    How do I store and recall saved setups using UltraScope for my DS1000 Series Oscilloscope?
    Using Save Setup in UltraScope

    Here is a brief overview of using the Save Setup feature of the DS1000 Series of oscillscopes with the UltraScope software.
    1. Configure the scope for the measurement of interest. 
    •    This can be done manually using the front panel or through UltraScope. 
    •    You can use the virtual front panel or adjust the settings in the DSO Controller and Download the new settings to the instrument.
    2. After you have the scope configured, you can save the setup.
    •    To manually save the setup, press the Storage key on the front panel of the scope > select Storage from the Storage Menu > select Internal or External (for USB memory stick storage) > select a memory location or filename.
    •    To use Ultrascope for a save setup operation, open the Virtual Panel  and select the Storage Button 
    •    Press F1 to cycle through the Storage Menu. Select Setups from the Storage Menu 
    •    Select F2 for Internal or F3 External (for USB memory stick storage)
    •    Using F1, Select a memory location or filename. Press F3 to save a setup and F2 to load a previously stored setup. 

  • Q
    How do I retrieve data using USB control for the DS1000E/D series of scopes?

    The DS1000E/D series of oscilloscopes from Rigol can download captured waveforms containing up to 1 million data points. Here are the commands and proper order for remote retrieval of the data over USB.

    There are some conventions that need to be established:

    1. Set memory depth:
    :ACQuire:MEMDepth <depth>

    Where <depth> can be LONG or NORM. For actual data depth, see Table 1 below.

    2. Set the waveform points mode:

    :WAVeform:POINts:MODE <points_mode>

    Where <points_mode> can be NORM, RAW, or MAX See table 1 below for data points returned in each mode.

    3. Set Scope operation mode: :RUN or :STOP

    4. Return data: :WAVeform:DATA? <source> 
    Where can be CHAN1, CHAN2, DIG (For D series only), MATH, or FFT

    NOTE: The first time you run the “:WAVE:DATA?” command, you will return 600 points. To return more points, you will need to operate the scope in “:STOP” mode.


    Here is the command set to return 1M points from channel 1

    1NOTE: It may be helpful to insert a wait or sleep between commands to prevent communications errors. Typically, a 10-20ms is sufficient.

    1. Send “:ACQ:MEMDEPTH LONG”
    2. Send “:WAVeform:POINts:MODE MAX”
    3. Send “:RUN” to acquire waveform of interest.
    Once you have capture your waveform, continue to step 4.

    4. OPTION: It may be useful to use the Single Trigger mode by sending “:TRIG:SING:MODE” instead of then sending STOP. Otherwise:
    5. Send ”:STOP”

    6. Send ”:WAV:DATA? CHAN1”
    7. Retrieve data from step 4.
    8. You may need to do a number of receives to get all the data from the buffe

  • Q
    LabVIEW 2010 Example for a DS1000E/D: Data collection and transfer

    This example and it's corresponding EXE use VISA to communication with a Rigol DS1000E/D scope. 
    The example allows the user to configure the oscilloscope for different data collection sizes (Normal or Long). It then graphs the data.

    You can download the example EXE here.

  • Q
    Unlock the DS1000E & DS1000D Series Oscilloscopes

    The DS1000E/D instruments have the ability to be locked from the front panel. If they are in a locked state, red letters LOCK will appear in the upper right-hand corner of the display as below:


    To unlock the display, follow these instructions:
    1. Press the grey/blue key just to the right of the displayed LOCK text.
    2. A prompt will appear. The default unlock code for the DS1000 series scopes is “ 111111 “. Press the grey/blue key just to the right of the "1" six times to enter the default code. 
    3. After you have selected the password, press the bottom most grey/blue button. This will enter the password. The LOCK label will disappear.
    Rigol Technologies USA
    For a PDF version of this solution click here.

  • Q
    What is the USB data transfer time for 1 million points using the DS1000E/D family of scopes?

    Typical data transfer speeds for 1 million points is between 5 and 6 seconds.

    Try this Simple Excel 2010 VBA Control program DS1000E DS1000D Oscilloscopes to get data easily over the USB

  • Q
    What is the longest time duration waveform that a DS1000E/D series scope can acquire?

    What is the longest time duration waveform that a DS1000E/D series scope can acquire? 

    The longest time division is 50s/division. Therefore, the scope will acquire 10 minutes of data (50s/division * 12 divisions = 600s / (60s/min) = 10 min 

  • Q
    What are the number of points captured by a DS1000E/D and replayed on a DG1022?
    Points/Waveform captured using a DS1000E/D and DG1022

     The DS1000E/D series of oscilloscopes can capture and save waveform data as a WFM file. These files are binary representations of the collected data that can then be saved to a USB memory device and transferred to a Rigol DG series of Arbitrary waveform generators for playback and manipulation.

    For a single channel acquisition, the saved WFM file type is comprised of 16k (16,384) data points centered around the midpoint of the scope display. Approximately 8k points before and 8k after.

    When this WFM is loaded into the DG1022, the instrument will sample 4096  data points from the midpoint of the original 16k points of data. 

    So, each WFM captured on a DS1000E/D series scope that is replayed on a DG1022 consists of 2043 points before and 2043 points after the central part of the scope display. 

    In a practical implementation, this represents an additional 25% window of data that lies just to the right and 25% just to the left side of the displayed data.

    Figure 1 represents an example. The pink box surrounds the displayed data set. The red box surrounds the displayed data as well as an additional 25% on either side of the displayed data. The red box surrounds the data that would be replayed by the DG1022. 

    Figure 1: Composite of real displayed data (pink box)n and the additonal captured data replayed by DG1022 (red). 

    To replay the arbitrary waveform at the same rate as the originally acquired signal, take 4096/Sample Rate to calculate the playback period. Then set the DG1022 arbitrary waveform playback period to this value.

    The Sample Rate parameter for the DS1000E/D scopes can be found by pressing the Menu key in the Horizontal control area of the front panel.

    For example, if you acquired a waveform using a horizontal range with a sample rate of 100MSamp/s, the playback period would be 4096/(100E6 Samples/Sec) = 40.96us

  • Q
    How To Acquire Average waveforms from DS1000 Scopes
    How To Acquire Average waveforms from DS1000 Scopes

    Related to these models or series: D1000B/CA/D/E

    Series B and CA include the ability in the firmware.  RIGOL’s UltraScope works with Series D/E 

    Rigol scopes can be configured to display the result of averaging several (as many as 256) waveforms. This feature provides an opportunity to study the signal of interest without the distraction of other signals. Note: The averaging capability is available when the sweep time is 20 ms or less!

    Unlike the DS1000CB and DS1000B series, the DS1000E, and the D1000D Series will only write the most recently acquired waveform to the front panel USB stick. This note describes a method to capture averaged waveforms from either the E or D series when they are connected to a computer with the USB bus. 

    Ultrascope Rigol's virtual oscilloscope application, Ultrascope, provides a method of importing scope screens to a computer and potentially to an Excel spreadsheet. Ultrascope can be downloaded from and opens like:

    In order to start the data transfer between the scope and the computer, Ultrascope needs to be connected to the computer. Highlight the Tools Menu and Click the Connect to Oscilloscope Prompt

    If multiple drivers are on the computer, you'll want to select the USB Resource.

    Once the Scope is connected and the appropriate Resource selected, it's time to Add a New Data Tab.

    The Refresh button on this screen, toggles data transfer on and off. 

    Once the Refresh button is enabled the data column updates periodically. Also note that only a single channel can be transferred at a time! 

    Controlling the Scope's operational parameters

    The operational parameters of the scope can be set from the Control Panel at the lower edge of the application screen

    Among other things the control panel can establish which channels can be displayed on the scope. Once the parameters of the control panel have been set, they can be DOWNLOADED from the computer to the scope. When both channels are enabled, the Data Tab can record data from either channel (but NOT from both simultaneously).

    Once the data has been written to the New Data Tab, the Export button displays the typical Windows file menu to define the name and location of a TAB delimited EXCEL compatible file.

  • Q
    How to open .WFM ( WFM Waveform files) under UltraScope
    How to open the .wfm file

    This article applies to the DS1000B, CA, D, and E families' UltraScope software

    1. Open the software of UltraScope, we use the UltraScope for DS1000B as a example.

    2. Click the icon of “Add new memory waveform”.

    3. Click the File button in the File, and choose the .wfm file you want to open.

    4. OK, you can observe the .wfm file right now.

  • Q
    Utilizing deep memory with Rigol DS1000 Oscilloscope
    Long Memory Storage with Rigol Oscilloscopes

    Some Digital scopes offer the capability of capturing waveforms in Long Memory mode. Utilizing the long memory, Rigol scopes can capture complex signals in great detail over extended time periods. This allows an observer to examine high frequency effects within the captured waveform.

    How to use Long Memory Mode on the DS1000D/E Series scopes?
     Enter the Acquire menu by pressing the Acquire button
     Set the Memory Depth field to Long Memory

    Sampling rate and Long Memory:

    Using the DS1000E and DS1000D Series Rigol digital scopes, users can access the long memory mode to get up to 512Kpts in dual channel mode and up to 1Mpts in single channel mode. In comparison, standard memory depth for oscilloscopes range from 1000pts - 16Kpts. This high sampling rate is a big advantage when observing signals where the application requires capturing a longer waveform, but also needs to confirm higher frequency components within the signal. The best way to visualize these higher frequency components is to use the zoom feature. By pushing the Horizontal knob, you can enter zoom mode. In this screen shot you see a 0.5 second waveform in yellow across the top. In the lower section we have zoomed in to 10 usec/division. Since we are sampling in normal mode you can see the distance between two data points. A straight line connects data points and you can see where the signal rises between samples and is clearly being linearly interpolated. On the DS1000D/E Series scopes this normal mode operation has 16 Kpts per wave. Since the overall wave is set to 50 msec/div the 10 divisions across the screen make the wave 0.5 seconds. 16 Kpts spread across 0.5 seconds means there is one sample approximately every 32 usec. This is confirmed by the screen shot.

    Using the method above to switch the scope to deep memory mode we can see the increased sampling rate below. In this image the increased data rate is seen by observing the real shape of the rise time. Now with the increased sampling we have 1 million points over 0.5 seconds for one sample about every 500 nsec.

    The table below shows the memory capabilities of all Rigol Oscilloscope series. 

    *capabilities above in 1 channel mode, within maximum sampling speeds

    In conclusion, memory depth is an important feature to consider when selecting an oscilloscope because high frequency components can be important to the analysis, triggering, and monitoring of signals. Memory depth combined with maximum sampling rates, waveform acquisition rates, and an oscilloscope’s display quality all impact the overall ease of capturing and analyzing data with your oscilloscope. 





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